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HomePregnancy options counselling

Pregnancy options counselling

Decision-making can be a difficult process, whether you are working through making a decision or have already made a decision but are experiencing mixed feelings. While some people can ask a partner, friends or family for advice, others are unable to do so. This may be due to relationship dynamics, parenting stress, cultural context, financial worries, fear of being judged or even harmed. It can help to talk to someone who is independent of your situation.

Pregnancy options counselling is a model of non-directive decision-based counselling. It is a focussed conversation in which all pregnancy outcomes are discussed including abortion, adoption, care, kinship care or parenting. The counsellor listens to you without encouraging one option over another. Your rights and needs are prioritised.

We are pro-choice, which means we believe you have the right to make decisions about your body and accordingly, to choose your health care.

Our counsellors cannot provide medical advice. If you want this, please click  here  to book a chat with a nurse.

Contact us to book an Intake appointment.
This appointment is not the actual counselling session.