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Real reproductive choices

MSI Australia Nurse Unit Manager

We’re working towards a world in which every birth is wanted – where people are free to have children by choice, not chance.

We are fiercely committed to delivering on our mission and paving a road to reproductive justice. We do this through constant improvement and a foundation based on our core values of Integrity, Agency, Safety, Quality, and Courage.

We ultimately deliver advocacy through action, so that access and choice are available to every Australian when it comes to Sexual and Reproductive Health.

Our people

“Working at MSI has been a great career move for me. The deeper you go in any area of nursing the more interesting it is, and sexual and reproductive health care is no different. I have met strong men and women (clients and colleagues), I have attended interesting courses, been motivated to study further, found political interests, made great friendships and I work with a wonderful, skilled team… and I don’t work night shift!”


“I love working at MSI Australia because of the team around me. Every single person in the office will stop what they’re doing and throw 100% of their energy your way when you need them to.”



Flexible working

Travel club

Salary packaging

Learning & development

Travel club

Employee Assistance Program

We enable men and women all over the world to choose their own futures by providing contraception and safe abortion services

We are  leading the national conversation on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

We are Australia’s  first and largest  teleabortion provider.

We are service deliverers, advocators, researchers and policy developers.

We are  fiercely  and  proudly pro-choice.

We are  MSI Australia.

Our impact

We have provided more than 600,000 Australians with sexual and reproductive health care.

Providing family planning services for over 25 million people across the globe each year.

Where we educate, empower and change lives around the world