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HomeDifferences between IUD and IUS

The differences between Copper IUD and Hormonal IUD

The hormonal IUD and copper IUD are both long-acting reversible methods of contraception (LARC). They are both intrauterine methods but are a bit different in how they work.

Understanding the hormonal IUD and copper IUD

Both forms of intrauterine contraceptive device are similar in size and shape. These plastic T-shaped devices have the same goal, to prevent unwanted pregnancy; however, they differ in the way in which they prevent pregnancy.

  • The hormonal IUD releases the hormone progestogen
  • The copper IUD releases copper that creates a reaction toxic to sperm

The copper IUD

The copper IUD, also known as ‘the coil’, is classed as a long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC). The copper IUD is inserted into the uterus and can remain there until it needs to be replaced or you decide you’re ready to be pregnant. It can be removed at any time.

Facts about the copper IUD:

  • The small T-shaped device is made from plastic and has copper on the outside
  • They can last between 5 to 10 years, depending on the type
  • They work immediately
  • They can be inserted at any time in the menstrual cycle (as long as pregnancy can be excluded), right after giving birth or an abortion
  • They can be inserted as emergency contraception after unprotected sex
  • The device will not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

The hormonal IUD

The hormonal IUD, like the copper IUD, is also classed as a long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC). The hormonal IUD is inserted into the uterus and can remain there until it needs to be replaced or you’re ready to be pregnant. It can be removed at any time.

Facts about the hormonal IUD:

  • The small T-shaped device  is made from plastic and contains progestogen which is slowly released
  • They can last for 5 to 8 years, depending on the type
  • They work immediately if inserted during your period or, if at another time in your cycle, is effective after 7 days
  • They can be inserted at any point in the menstrual cycle (as long as pregnancy can be excluded), right after giving birth or an abortion
  • Will not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

How do IUDs prevent pregnancy?

While both devices are similar, they work in slightly different ways:

  • The copper IUD, which is made of copper, works as a spermicide releasing copper to prevent sperm from surviving in the womb. This can also prevent the implanting of fertilised eggs in the womb as well.
  • The hormonal IUD contains a hormone called progestogen. This will thicken the cervix mucus and womb fluid to prevent sperm from reaching an egg.

The advantages of the IUD

  • Because the devices work for a long time, they are a low maintenance form of contraception – compared to taking a pill every day; the copper IUD can last up to 10 years, while the hormonal IUD can last up to 8 years, depending on the type
  • Both types are safe for use when breastfeeding
  • Removable any time, with fertility quickly returning to normal
  • Falling ill or taking medication does not interfere with the effectiveness of the IUD
  • Good options if you are sensitive to oestrogen
  • The hormonal IUD can improve periods, reducing cramps, length and heaviness of periods. In some people, periods may not come at all

The disadvantages of the IUD

  • These devices do not offer protection from sexually transmitted infections
  • You may experience irregular bleeding in the first few months of use
  • The Copper IUD can make periods longer, heavier and more painful, which may or may not improve
  • Side effects of the hormonal IUD may include headaches, acne and breast tenderness, which should reduce over time
  • A very uncommon side effect of the hormonal IUD can be cysts on the ovaries, which will disappear without treatment

Getting an IUD

Our doctors are experts in contraception care and can insert, replace or remove an IUD. We will complete an assessment as part of your service to ensure these methods are right for you.

Some important points to remember:

  • Our team can insert either type of device at any point in your menstrual cycle (as long as pregnancy can be excluded).
  • The copper IUD offers immediate protection, as will the hormonal IUD if inserted during your menstrual period (other methods will be required for the first seven days if inserted outside of this)
  • The procedure takes approximately 20 minutes

Post-procedure considerations

Cramping post-procedure is normal and will vary in duration depending on the individual. Slight bleeding may also be expected.

If you experience any of the following, contact our team immediately:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • High temperatures / fever
  • An odour or discharge

Ensuring the device remains in place

Both devices have threads that hang similar to a tampon inside the vagina. These are unnoticeable. It is important to understand that an IUD that has moved may be less effective, increasing the risk of getting pregnant.

To ensure this is not the case, clients should be aware of the following:

  • Our team will show you how to check the IUD for the correct position after it is first inserted
  • Always check for the correct positioning periodically in the first month, then every month from then on or after your period
  • The thread(s) will hang inside the upper part of the vagina
  • You can sit or squat in a comfortable position and use your index or middle finger to locate your cervix
  • Once located, you should be able to feel the strings of the device
  • If you feel something hard, it is likely the end of the device, meaning it has moved
  • If you suspect the device has moved, you can book an appointment with our team or call our aftercare line on 1300 888 022

    Where can I have an IUD inserted?

    The expert team at MSI Australia can insert your chosen device for you while providing all the necessary information to ensure this is the right contraception option for you. The IUD must be inserted and removed by a medical professional.

    Book an appointment with MSI Australia today to see if the copper IUD or hormonal IUD is right for you.