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Translated Booklets – Sedation Information – VietnameseMultilingual Resourcesmultilingual-resources
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Translated Booklets – Sedation Information – ChineseMultilingual Resourcesmultilingual-resources
MSI Australia Strategic Plan 2024-2030
MSI Australia Strategic Plan 2024-2030We are Australia’s leading, specialised non-profit advocate and provider of abortion and contraception services.Strategic Planstrategic-plan
Abortion Access Scorecard 2024
Abortion Access Scorecard 2024The Abortion Access Scorecard is a summary of the current abortion laws across states …Policy Briefpolicy-brief
Parliament of Tasmania Transcript
Parliament of Tasmania TranscriptHon. Sarah Courtney MP. Parliament of Tasmania transcript, House of Assembly, Estimates Committee B. …Transcripttranscript
Newspaper article: National push to safeguard abortion access
Newspaper article: National push to safeguard abortion accessBy Alice Walker. Published on July 18, 2022 in The Australian.Mediamedia
Open letter to the Health Minister regarding Telehealth MBS item numbers
Open letter to the Health Minister regarding Telehealth MBS item numbersWe ask that you urgently reinstate temporary MBS item numbers to enable access to …Letterletter
PDF Document
STI screeningAnyone who has had unprotected sex (including a condom slip or break) is at …Information Sheetinformation-sheet
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Rhesus negative and Anti-DThere are several blood groups including A, B, AB, and O. Blood is also …Information Sheetinformation-sheet
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Progestogen-only pill (POP or Mini pill)The “Mini Pill” contains a very small amount of only one hormone, progestogen. It …Information Sheetinformation-sheet
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MiscarriageFollowing your appointment today, your doctor has determined that your pregnancy has, or may …Information Sheetinformation-sheet
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Hormonal IUDThe hormonal IUD (intrauterine device) is a small T-shaped plastic device. It is inserted …Information Sheetinformation-sheet
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Copper IUDThe Copper IUD, or intrauterine contraceptive device, is a non-hormonal small plastic device with …Information Sheetinformation-sheet
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Contraceptive pillThe combined oral contraceptive pill, usually called “The Pill’, contains two hormones, oestrogen and …Information Sheetinformation-sheet
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Contraceptive injectionThe contraceptive injection is a hormone injection given every 12 weeks to prevent pregnancy.Information Sheetinformation-sheet
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Contraceptive implantThe contraceptive implant is a thin, flexible, plastic rod (4cm x 2mm) containing a …Information Sheetinformation-sheet
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CondomsThe external condom is a thin, strong, latex (rubber) or polyurethane (plastic) sheath that …Information Sheetinformation-sheet
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Cervical preparationBefore your surgical abortion procedure, we may use “cervical preparation” to help soften and …Information Sheetinformation-sheet
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Cervical Screening Test (CST)The Cervical Screening Test checks for the presence of certain high risk HPV (human …Information Sheetinformation-sheet
MSI Australia Strategic Plan 2021 to 2023 cover image
MSI Australia Strategic Plan 2021-2023We are an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to ensuring sexual and reproductive health services …Strategic Planstrategic-plan
Book Cover of Clinical Services Teleabortion
Clinical Services: Abortion by TelehealthThis booklet contains information about your teleabortion (medical abortion at home). Read this information …Clinical Servicesclinical-services
Clinical Services: Surgical (Cover Thumbnail Image)
Clinical Services: SurgicalThis booklet contains information about your surgical abortion. Read this information carefullyClinical Servicesclinical-services
Clinical services: Tubal ligation (Cover Thumbnail Image)
Clinical Services: Tubal ligationThis booklet contains information about your tubal ligation. Read this information carefullyClinical Servicesclinical-services
Clinical Services: Medical (Cover Thumbnail Image)
Clinical Services: MedicalThis booklet contains information about your medical abortion. Read this information carefullyClinical Servicesclinical-services
Clinical services sedation information cover image
Clinical Services: Sedation informationThis booklet contains information about sedation. Read this information carefullyClinical Servicesclinical-services
Clinical Services Vasectomy cover thumbnail
Clinical Services: VasectomyThis booklet contains information about your vasectomy. Read this information carefullyClinical Servicesclinical-services
3-Step Decision Making Guide cover image
3 day decision making guideMSI Australia offers non-directive, Pro-Choice pregnancy options counselling to women and pregnant people. Our …Support and decision makingsupport-and-decision-making
MSI Australia Impact Report 2019 cover image
MSI Australia Impact Report 2019Throughout 2019, we also dedicated a considerable amount of effort to preparing the organisation …Policy Briefpolicy-brief
MSI Australia Impact Report 2018 cover image
MSI Australia Impact Report 2018Our first Impact Report. This report is a means of us being accountable to …Policy Briefpolicy-brief
Medical Bylaws and Regulations (Cover Thumbnail Image)
Medical Bylaws and RegulationsMSI Australia’s governance document outlining all credentialling and clinical scope of practice for our …Clinical Governanceclinical-governance
Clinical Governance Framework (Cover Thumbnail Image)
Clinical Governance FrameworkThe purpose of the MSI Group Clinical Governance Framework is to outline the key …Frameworkframework
Abortion Access Scorecard (Cover Thumbnail Image)
Abortion Access ScorecardA summary of the current abortion laws across states and territories in Australia.Communications Briefcommunications-brief
Safe Access Zones in Australia (Cover Thumbnail Image)
Safe access zones in AustraliaSexual and reproductive healthcare are essential services. Safe access zones enable access to those …Policy Briefpolicy-brief
Nurse-led medical termination of pregnancy in Australia (Cover Thumbnail Image)
Nurse-led medical termination of pregnancy in AustraliaAbortion access is an issue across metropolitan, rural, regional and remote areas of Australia. …Policy Briefpolicy-brief
MSI Australia Referral Pad Cover Thumbnail Image)
MSI Australia Referral PadFor clinicians only: download and print a referral form (All patients)For clinicians onlyfor-clinicians-only
Hidden Forces (Second Edition)A white paper on reproductive coercion in contexts of family and domestic violencePolicy Briefpolicy-brief
Hidden Forces, First Edition (Cover Thumbnail Image)
Hidden Forces (First Edition)The original white paper on reproductive coercion in contexts of family and domestic violencePolicy Briefpolicy-brief
Hidden Forces (Second Edition, DOCX)Accessible DOCX version of Hidden Forces (Second Edition) A white paper on reproductive coercion …Policy Briefpolicy-brief
PDF Document
Real Choices: Women, contraception and unplanned pregnancyData about Australian women’s reproductive experiences and health gathered from representative samples of women …Otherother