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HomeBookingsCOVID-19 information

COVID-19 and other infection information for clients

This page was last updated 13 July 2023

For the health and wellbeing of you and our staff, please note the following important information:

  • Please do not attend the clinic if you are unwell, if you have been recently diagnosed with COVID, or if you need to self-isolate under current guidelines.
  • All people entering the clinic will be asked some screening questions on arrival.
  • If you have any symptoms you will be asked to take a Rapid Antigen Test and may not be allowed in the clinic.
  • The staff may ask you to wear a mask while in the clinic under the current Health Department directions for healthcare facilities.
  • Your support person may be able to stay with you depending on their screening results and the physical space in the clinic.
  • The clinic manager will explain if your support person needs to wait outside at any time.
  • You must follow the directions of clinic staff at all times.

If you are worried you may have COVID-19, visit the COVID-19 Symptom and Antiviral Eligibility Checker. It is an online tool to help you figure out if you need to seek medical help.

If you would like translated COVID-19 resources, please click here.

Other infection prevention information

To help you understand some other serious infection risks please go to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care web site for the Infection prevention and control resources for consumers.