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HomeRefund Requests

Refund request

An MSI Australia refund request is subject to review by our medical team and takes up to 30 days to process from the date the official request is submitted. Therefore, please ensure all required information is provided correctly to minimise delays.

The Refund Request Form below must be used.

Client refunds

Note that as a general rule, the booking fee will not be refunded or transferred to a new appointment if the client cancels their appointment or re-schedules their appointment with less than three business days’ notice.

Refunds may be issued to a client who has paid a booking fee or paid for the procedure fully or partially, if one of the following criteria are met:

  • The list has been cancelled by us and the client does not wish to reschedule
  • Discretionary refund of booking fee based on the client’s financial hardship or other extenuating circumstances as determined by us on a case-by-case basis
  • Private health claim is returned to us rather than the client
  • Overpayment by client (for example, booking fee paid by a funded client)
  • Executed Deed of Release for a client complaint.

Conditions of refund application

All refunds will be processed following the MSI Australia Policy and Procedure and will be paid within 14 days of receipt by our Finance Team.

Please ensure all requested information and any relevant supporting documentation is provided to prevent payment delays. Approved refunds will be under the following conditions:

  • All refunds will be paid to the client via electronic funds transfer (EFT) and settled in Australian dollars only.
  • Refunds will be delivered to the same account used to make the original payment unless a third-party transfer has been requested.
  • Incorrect details can cause a delay and may be subjected to additional transaction fees.
  • Be aware that your financial institution of choice may deduct banking transaction fees, affecting the final amount you receive.

Refund request form​

Your full name(Required)
Your email address(Required)
Your address(Required)
Reason for refund(Required)