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HomeHow Long After an Abortion Can You Get Pregnant Again?

How Long After an Abortion Can You Get Pregnant Again?

19 Mar, 2024 | Abortion, Blog, Contraception

After an abortion, you might be surprised to learn that your body can be ready to conceive again very quickly. At MSI Australia, we’re here to support you through your abortion care and help you explore contraceptive options that feel right for you, especially if you’re considering preventing pregnancy after your procedure.

In this blog, we’ll share insights on:

  • Fertility following an abortion
  • Choosing contraception after an abortion

Fertility Following an Abortion

Please be assured, most abortions are uncomplicated and won’t affect your ability to have children in the future. It’s possible to become pregnant again very soon after your abortion; an egg can be released as early as 8 days after the procedure, which means you could become pregnant again before you even have your next period. Any sex more than 4 days after an abortion must be protected unless you want to get pregnant. However, if you do want to get pregnant again, we recommend waiting until after your first normal period.

If you’re hoping to avoid pregnancy immediately after your abortion, it’s essential to consider your contraceptive options early on. During your visit, we’ll introduce you to a variety of contraceptive methods and provide the guidance you need to make a choice that feels right for you.


Choosing Contraception After an Abortion

Part of the comprehensive abortion care we provide, includes counselling on contraception, should you decide to start using a method after your abortion.

If avoiding pregnancy for a while is your goal, long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) might be what you’re looking for. Options like the implant, injection and IUDs are highly effective, don’t disrupt intimate moments, and allow you to not have to think about contraception day-to-day.

All LARC methods are reversible, giving you the flexibility to plan for a family when the time feels right.

If long-acting methods don’t seem like the best fit for you, there are also short-acting options available, which we’re happy to discuss with you.

It’s also important to remember that condoms are the only form of contraception that protects against STIs.


We’re here for you at MSI Australia, with more information and support on your sexual and reproductive health journey.