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HomeAustralia on track for national safe access to abortion care

Australia on track for national safe access to abortion care

13 Nov, 2020 | Advocacy, Media, Safe access




This week has seen significant advances for safe access to healthcare in Australia.  

Safe access zones were legislated in South Australia on Wednesday when the Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill 2020 (‘The SA Bill’) was passed.  

Safe access zones are another step closer to becoming law in Western Australia due to the Public Health Amendment (Safe Access Zones) Bill 2020 (‘The WA Bill’) being passed in the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday. 
Safe access zones prevent picketing within 150 metres of abortion care clinics. They safeguard clients and healthcare workers against harassment, intimidation and judgement. 
WA will be the last jurisdiction in Australia to legislate safe access zones.  
Each year picketers spend approximately 2,295 hours outside the MSI Australia Midland Clinic. Picketers can undermine community trust and feelings of safety, as well as breach privacyWhen it comes to accessing health services, it is of critical importance that people not only feel safe but that their privacy is respected and protected. 
MSI Australia is appreciative of the McGowan Government’s support for the WA Bill and will continue to work in partnership to ensure safe access to healthcare for all Western Australians.  

MSI Australia appreciates the SA Government’s support of safe access zones, including the Hon. Nat Cook MP and the Hon. Tammy Franks MLC as co-sponsors of the SA Bill. MSI Australia recognises the work of the South Australian Abortion Action Coalition as communityled support for safe access to healthcare. 

Media contact Kate Davis, Head of Communications, MSI Australia, 0428 396 391