Contraception Services

Most people in Australia use a form of contraception that relies on a routine, such as the contraceptive pill or condoms. While these methods are both popular and easy to access, they are not as effective at preventing unplanned pregnancy as other longer-acting methods.
In Australia, one in two women will experience an unplanned pregnancy in their lifetime. More than half of these women were using at least one form of contraception at the time – meaning it failed to work as intended. When contraception fails or is not used, emergency contraception, such as the “morning-after pill” or having a copper IUD fitted, can help avoid pregnancy.
However, if you would like to reduce the chance of contraceptive failure in the first place, you may want to consider a more reliable long-acting reversible option.
Contraception options
There is a range of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) options for women and people with uteruses. LARC is a category of ‘set-and-forget’ contraceptive methods that prevent unplanned pregnancy with a high degree of reliability and efficacy. They can last for months or years, depending on the method chosen.
Our clinics offer a full range of LARC options such as contraceptive injections, implants or rods, copper intrauterine devices (IUDs) and intrauterine hormonal systems (IUS). We also provide tubal ligation in specific clinics – a permanent method for women and people with uteruses.
For men, there are currently no long-acting reversible methods available in Australia. However, if you have completed your family or you do not wish to have children, you may consider a vasectomy a safe, painless, permanent method.
To discuss your options or make an appointment, book online or call us on 1300 003 707.
Exploring and comparing contraception options can feel overwhelming. Use our online contraception advisor to learn how different methods work and find the one that best suits you and your lifestyle.
Types of contraception
Long-acting reversible contraception
A category of ‘set-and-forget’ methods prevent unplanned pregnancy with a high degree of reliability and efficacy. They do not require the user to adhere to a daily regime and maintain a high degree of protection over months and years.
A safe, permanent method of contraception for men who have completed their family or who have decided not to have children. No method of contraception is 100% effective, but vasectomy is one of the most effective options available.
Tubal ligation
A permanent method of contraception, also known as female sterilisation, involves blocking both fallopian tubes preventing the passage of eggs (ova) to the uterus, thereby preventing pregnancy. It is only available in WA.
Emergency contraception
An option for women to avoid unplanned pregnancy following unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. There are two types of emergency contraception in Australia: the copper intrauterine device (IUD) and emergency contraceptive pills.