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Display different text based on geolocation – proof of concept

This page uses CF Geo Plug-in. The plug-in detects you are located here:

City – %%city%%
Region – %%region%%
Region code – %%region_code%%

As a proof of concept, the plugin-in is now displaying a dynamic (phone number), based on geolocation:

[cfgeo include=”VIC”]Example VIC phone number (03) 0000 0000. This text only shows if user is located in VIC[/cfgeo][cfgeo include=”NSW”]Example NSW phone number (02) 0000 0000. This text only shows if user is located in NSW[/cfgeo][cfgeo exclude=”VIC, NSW”]This example number 9999 9999 only shows if user is neither in VIC nor NSW[/cfgeo]

To see a difference, use your VPN or Tor and then change your location to something other than your VIC location.

CF Geo Plug-in Pricing, Docmentation