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HomeSenate inquiry report into reproductive healthcare requires prompt implementation

Senate inquiry report into reproductive healthcare requires prompt implementation

26 May, 2023 | Advocacy, Equity and access, Media, Reproductive coercion, Safe access

MSI Australia, the only national non-profit provider of abortion, contraception and vasectomy care, has welcomed the landmark Senate inquiry report on universal access to reproductive healthcare and called for the bipartisan recommendations to be implemented as an urgent priority for Government.

Greg Johnson, Managing Director of MSI Australia, said the report underscores the vital importance of adequately funding for abortion care and reproductive health care at a national level.

“We acknowledge the substantial effort that has gone into this inquiry and the progress it represents,” he said.

“The report has captured the serious concerns of people and communities across Australia and offers clear recommendations that can be implemented to address urgent issues with abortion care and reproductive health services throughout Australia.

“It’s reassuring to see that this report also considers men’s health issues in sexual and reproductive healthcare and the need to increase contraceptive options for all.

“Many of the recommendations align with the proposals and concerns raised by our experienced clinicians and other experts during the course of the inquiry.

“We look forward to the Australia Government taking action to implement the recommendations as soon as possible.”

Bonney Corbin, Head of Policy and Research at MSI Australia, said the report highlighted the need for a national approach to resolving abortion access issues.

“Abortion is now recognised as healthcare but the recommendations of this report do not address the urgency of abortion access issues.” she said.

“Every day without action means women and pregnant people face unnecessary financial stress and stigma.

“It’s reassuring to see a bipartisan report which affirms abortion as healthcare. To know the recommendations of this report can be implemented beyond one political term is critical for longevity.

“The report recommendations focus is largely on health system responses which is welcome reframing from previous decades when abortion used to be seen as a social rather than a healthcare issue. 

“While many of the solutions for about sexual and reproductive rights are within health systems, sometimes it’s beyond that. It is also about overcoming barriers in our communities around stigma, and it is about preventing reproductive violence in homes, in workplaces, and in care facilities.

“The focus of recommendations on outcomes for primary care is indicative of us trying to embed abortion as healthcare in the health system, but it is not indicative of what it’s like to actually get an abortion in Australia. 

“Health reforms alone will never address all of the abortion related inequities we experience across the different personal and political aspects of our lives.

“The recommendations are all within scope of the current government and are achievable within the next seven years.”

The Australian Abortion Access Scorecard can be viewed here. View a summary of State and Territory abortion laws here

Women and pregnant people can book a teleabortion here.  

Donate to the Choice Fund to support people experiencing financial hardship or other barriers to abortion and contraception care here.  

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For further information contact Anna Jabour on 0428 396 391.

MSI Australia is the only national not-for-profit provider of sexual and reproductive health services including permanent and long-acting reversible contraception and abortion care. For more information on our clinic network visit