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HomeTaleah’s Medical Abortion Journey with MSI Australia

Taleah’s Medical Abortion Journey with MSI Australia

24 Apr, 2024 | Abortion, Advice, Blog, Counselling, Uncategorised


In the realm of healthcare, especially when it involves decisions as personal and complex as medical abortion, the value of compassionate and holistic care cannot be overstated. Today, we share a condensed story that captures the essence of our commitment at MSI Australia—the story of someone who found solace, support, and understanding within our walls.

Taleah’s Story

“Walking into the MSI Australia clinic, I was filled with anxiety and uncertainty about my decision to seek a medical abortion. But the staff’s warmth and professionalism immediately put me at ease.

This journey was difficult, as ending a pregnancy is a complex and personal choice. Yet, MSI Australia offered compassionate support without a hint of judgment. The doctors and nurses clearly explained each step, making sure I was comfortable and informed throughout.

The clinic’s one-stop approach – providing ultrasounds, abortion pills, and pain medication all in one place – was a huge relief. It allowed me to focus on my wellbeing instead of the stress of navigating multiple appointments.

MSI Australia’s team understands the importance of supporting the whole person, not just providing the medical procedure. They create a safe space for people to make their own healthcare decisions.

I would recommend them to anyone facing similar situation, in the hope that they, too, will find the same level of support and care that I did.”

—Taleah, MSI Richmond Client


Taleah’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of accessible and compassionate healthcare.

It’s about knowing you’re not alone in your journey and that there’s a place where you can receive the care you need with dignity and understanding.

If Taleah’s experience speaks to you or someone you know, remember that MSI Australia is here to offer the same level of care and support. We’re here to guide you through your journey with respect and compassion, ensuring you feel empowered and informed every step of the way.

 Medical Abortion with MSI Australia

One-stop service

Simple and discreet process – no need for multiple visits to the doctor, radiologist, pathology provider and pharmacy. We offer ultrasound scan, abortion pills and pain medication all in one consultation. Free aftercare is available.

Experienced specialists

We have over 20 years experience in Australia as the leading specialist provider and advocate of abortion care. 

Compassionate approach

Non-judgmental care focused on the wellbeing of women and pregnant people.

No referral necessary (except WA)

Increased accessibility for those seeking abortion services.


To learn more about our medical abortion services, download the informative medical abortion booklet or read an accessible online version of this booklet.
