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HomeRegional clinics information

Regional clinics information

21 Jun, 2021 | Advocacy

Abortion services for people living in regional, rural and remote areas.

If you are under 8 weeks gestation, you can access a teleabortion (medical abortion via telehealth)

For more information about our teleabortion service click here.

If you are under 9 weeks gestation, you can choose to come to one of our clinics in Brisbane or Sydney or there may be local medical abortion providers in your region. Contact us on 1300 003 707 and we can provide you with additional information.

Surgical abortion is provided up to 22 weeks gestation from our Brisbane clinic and 20 weeks gestation in our Sydney clinic.

If you require financial support to access services, including travel subsidy support, please let our contact centre staff member know when you call. Our funding team can assess your requirements and support you

We continue to build pathways with providers in your local area and to support the development of local capacity to deliver abortion care in the regions. If you require a surgical abortion and cannot be supported by us, we work with public hospitals to connect you to care, wherever we can.

Please call us for more information and we can assist you to access abortion services.


Patient travel subsidy schemes across Australia