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HomeMSI client stories

Stories from our clients

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Abortion stories from our clients

Sharing abortion stories is at the heart of tackling misinformation, and smashing abortion stigma. Stories also help others know what to expect, and feel less alone when accessing abortion care.

Nearly 1 in 3 pregnancies end in an abortion worldwide. However, abortion stigma can silence people.
At MSI Australia, we believe that sharing stories is at the heart of ending the stigma that too many people still feel when it comes to having an abortion. By sharing your story, others can get a sense of what to expect, know they are not alone, and perhaps feel reassured – whatever their decision may be.



I found out I was pregnant while already having a 12-month-old. My husband and I weren’t ready, mentally or financially, for another child, leading us to choose abortion. I contacted MSI Australia, and after some research, decided on a teleabortion (abortion by telehealth).

The phone consultations were clear, positive, and non-judgmental. However, during the ultrasound, I faced unintentional congratulatory remarks, which made me feel guilt for my decision.

Despite reading negative stories online about medical abortions, my experience was different. I followed MSI’s instructions closely. The initial bleeding was heavy, with clots, but not painful. By evening, it was manageable, and I even went out to dinner. The following days were easier, with bleeding similar to a period. I resumed exercise after a week and felt like myself.

MSI’s support was invaluable. They were always there for questions, offering reassurance. In reflection, I’m grateful for my experience with MSI. Decisions like these are deeply personal, and it’s crucial to remember that only you know what’s right for you.



I had to seek assistance from MSI Australia following an unsuccessful abortion procedure with another provider. Facing the prospect of another procedure filled me with dread, particularly because I find any kind of physical contact in such contexts challenging. Waiting to see a doctor, my impatience mounted due to the delay. However, this feeling subsided after my consultation with the doctor, who recommended I speak with an MSI counsellor.

Our in-depth conversation about what I could do next opened my eyes to the care and empathy that MSI Australia’s team shows to every individual they help. Understanding their commitment helped me accept the waiting time to see a healthcare professional. The considerable effort that both the counsellor and the doctor put into clarifying the procedure and making sure I felt at ease was deeply appreciated. I am profoundly thankful for their kindness and support. Thank you, MSI Australia.



We faced a challenging decision due to medical issues with our baby. It was an emotionally taxing period for us. Our GP and medical specialists, instead of providing unbiased advice, tried to sway our decision, pushing their beliefs on us to keep the baby. This not only added to our stress but also nearly made us miss the window for a surgical termination.

But, thanks to an amazing midwife who pulled strings for us, calling MSI Australia for a favour, as she could tell how stressed we were and how much a medical abortion would traumatise us.

The MSI building was secure, discreet, welcoming and offered space for couples or a support person. My husband was allowed to be in the waiting room and doctors office with me. When I went to the surgery waiting room, we were separated, but the nurses rang my husband twice to update him throughout the process.

The nurses here made sure patients were comfortable & warm. At no point did we feel judged for our decision to terminate by any of the staff. People come here for all sorts of reasons, and I watched all patients be treated with care & respect.

Want to share your story with us?